• Box for one bottle

    Certain spirits, due to their quality and differentiation, require a box in their image. Calheiros Embalagens produces packaging for spirits that stand out for the quality of the material, but also for its functionality.


  • Box for one bottle and a gift

    The design and production of spirits packaging for promotional purposes is a challenge that many customers propose to Calheiros Embalagens; challenges that need, for example, special cutters, which we create and produce internally.


  • Box for one bottle and chocolate glasses

    The traditional Ginja Mariquinhas stands out because of the spirits packaging created by Calheiros Embalagens. The materials used are intended to protect the contents during the logistical operation and also during transportation by the end customer.


Spirits packaging. More than transportation, a way to draw attention.

Spirits packaging are about much more than just transporting and protecting bottles. They are authentic point of sale displays, thanks to the different cuts that can be created and applied. Calheiros Embalagens already has great experience in this type of packaging, which allows to help the customer boost their sales.

Discover some of the spirits packaging we produce.